Time to read: 1 min
Quick Starts
Dynamic Starter Kit
The Dynamic Starter Kit uses the Wagmi library for faster integration of Web3 features into a Next.js application.
Use the Kitweb3auth
Web3Auth Starter Kit
A step-to-step guide for developers to build and deploy passwordless dApps on Rootstock using Web3Auth and Wagmi.
Get Startedquickstart
Wagmi Starter Kit
This starter kit provides a foundation for building decentralized applications (dApps) on the Rootstock blockchain using React, Wagmi and Shadcn libraries.
Use the Kitquickstart
Hardhat Starter Kit
Smart Contract examples, Tests, Deployments and Tasks for Common ERC Standards (ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155).
Use the Kitquickstart
Hardhat Ignition Starter Kit
This guide is designed to help you deploy smart contracts on the Rootstock blockchain, with a focus on using Hardhat Ignition.
Use the Kitquickstart
Foundry Starter Kit
Smart Contract examples, Tests, Deployments and Tasks for Common ERC Standards (ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155).
Use the Kitquickstart
dApp Automation with Cucumber
Learn how to automate dApps using Cucumber Agile Automation Framework.
Automate dAppsquickstart
Get Started with The Graph
Easily query on-chain data through a decentralized network of indexers
Get StartedWeb3.py
Get Started with Web3.py
Get started with deploying and interacting with smart contracts on Rootstock using Web3.py.
Get StartedPort dApps
Port an Ethereum dApp to Rootstock
Learn how to port an Ethereum dApp to Rootstock.
Get StartedRemix
Deploy, Interact and Verify Smart Contracts using Remix and Rootstock Explorer
In this guide, we will use the Remix IDE to write, compile, deploy, interact and verify a smart contract on the Rootstock Explorer.
Use RemixApe
Getting Started with Apeworx
Learn how to compile, deploy, and intereact with smart contracts with Ape on Rootstock
Get Started with Rootstock RPC API
The Rootstock RPC Service provides a seamless and intuitive web interface for developers to interact with Rootstock nodes via JSON-RPC methods.
Get Started with Alchemy
A step-to-step guide for developers to interact with Rootstock network with the Alchemy RPC Provider Service.
Use the RPC API